1 reader view

by Hanns Holger Rutz

3 web adress

by Ana Miriam Rebelo

4 Why no embed tool in block editor?

by Hanns Holger Rutz

6 Split HTML tool

by Hanns Holger Rutz

10 Overall history

by Jim Lloyd

12 "Following" list

by !KF

14 TOC page highlight

by Michael Schwab

15 tool position and size in tool tip

by Michael Schwab

16 fonts, size and kind

by Carina Randlov

19 Target for image links?

by Flick Harrison

21 object alias in profile

by Michael Schwab

23 audio tool in editor

by Michael Schwab

24 'Pass-through' requests

by Michael Schwab

25 Contents menu structure

by Michael Schwab

28 portal user management

by Michael Schwab

29 user identification

by Michael Schwab

30 Slide labels

by Michael Schwab